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Faith beyond the boat

In the news today, there are mounting numbers of people who are beginning to prepare. Some people do not even know what they are preparing for, but they are following the actions of others and are moving forward with their own preparations. It seems obvious that increasing numbers of people believe there is a coming “event” that impresses upon them the need to prepare.

The media is obviously picking up on the trend and are beginning to feature news and shows to highlight this growing phenomenon. Preparation centers and storage facilities are beginning to form in local communities, doomsday shelters are being sold in record numbers, and survivalist events are being held all over the Country. It is now moving into the mainstream.

That concerns me a bit. I feel impressed that we really must be very diligent in our preparations, but as we take action it is vital that we remain very prayerful and discerning.

Recently, I have heard the Father calling to prepare – but especially prepare by seeking a closer Faith in Him. He has reminded me that many people are preparing by building a boat – by storing provisions, growing a garden, or learning how to can corn.

Certainly, those are important tasks and will be helpful accomplishments during a tough period. But… having a boat is not enough to properly prepare for a storm. We must have Faith beyond the Boat. Consider this…

37 A furious squall came up, and the waves broke over the boat, so that it was nearly swamped. 38 Jesus was in the stern, sleeping on a cushion. The disciples woke him and said to him, “Teacher, don’t you care if we drown?”

39 He got up, rebuked the wind and said to the waves, “Quiet! Be still!” Then the wind died down and it was completely calm.

40 He said to his disciples, “Why are you so afraid? Do you still have no faith?” Mark 4:37-40

The disciples were very experienced on the water, and very likely knew how to maneuver through rough seas. I feel pretty certain they had prepared for the journey and had the proper equipment and provisions on board. But… with all their task actions completed, they were still afraid with the storm hit.

Prepare for the journey, but build a Faith beyond the boat. Strengthen your relationship in He who is able to calm the storm.

Preparing the wrong way

I’ve been talking about preparation for a LONG TIME – far longer than most people even considered preparing. Like many of the current preppers, I’ve been called an “alarmist”, fearmonger, ignorant, silly, and a few other choice words.

Today, “preparation” is a very common discussion – and there is actually a whole movement of people called – “preppers”. I’m finding out that preppers consider themselves different from survivalist – kindof a survivalist lite.

Many people are now saying they received a “call” to prepare. I felt that same call many years ago, and actually was one of the first to coin the term “Preparation Call” – as I believed that God was preparing some people for an important time. There are now tens of millions of references to the term “Preparation Call” on the web.

Today, there a millions of people who assume preparation is all about “storing up food, buying a grain mill, and getting a cow”. While those things are important, unfortunately, most people still COMPLETELY miss the point.

There are people who assume they are getting prepared because they put a closet together provisions in anticipation of a chaotic event in the future. Certainly, it is VERY important to get provisions in place, but that is only the surface – and most people are still falling dangerously short of what is really needed.

What I see many people doing right now is almost as dangerous than if they didn’t do anything. They operate with an “Intellectual Faith”, and call it preparation. Their provisions have in some ways become their security and have given them some measure of comfort for their fears – as they ready themselves for the coming storm. Again, I contend they are missing the point.

In my humble view, if I carry preparation too far and assume that my efforts will somehow control an outcome, then I am likely putting my faith in my works. I am personally trying bring keep the boat stable in the storm, rather than rely on the only One who can truly calm the storm.

Bottom line is – preparation is not at all what most people think. People are on-edge, fearful, and are wound pretty tight as they anticipate a coming calamity.

Consider this…

When the quake hit Japan and then the subsequent concern about nuclear fallout, within a few days – the shelves in NC were completely depleted of Potassium Iodide. I live some 6,700 miles away from the catastrophe, but people in my town rushed to protect themselves from the fallout. Do you think people are a little bit on edge?

Even as the government said there are no health risks for people in the US, droves of individuals ignored those hollow statement and ran to get protection. You think people anticipate our government as being too untrustworthy?

Now, I submit to you… those who have been in preparation were the main people who ran to get the Potassium Iodide. Oops… they must have forgotten to get that one on the list of items they were supposed to have as part of their prepping.

So, what if a major radiation leak happened at one of the facilities in your area? (Please don’t call me an alarmist or assume that I am suggesting that is coming – it is a hypothetical question). Do you think all of the preparations and food storage would be safe from such an event?

Preparation is FAR more than just storing food and provisions. If you store a closet full of food, and a disaster wipes out your home – what do you have now to be prepared with?

“Martha, Martha, you worry and fret about so many things and yet few are needed, indeed only one. It is Mary who has chosen the better part and it shall not be taken from her.” (Luke 10:41-42)

I believe Yah wants us to be preparing so that we might be better able to share with others. For me, the first step in preparation is to strengthen my Faith in HE who is able to calm the storm. Right now, it is vital that we strengthen our relationship with Him as well as bonding stronger with those we love and serve every day.

Preparations are taking on Urgency

People are now talking freely about “preparation”. Many do not know what they are preparing for, but many now feel a “leading” to prepare. It really doesn’t take much to see that “something” is about to happen, and those who are called – need to be ready and especially prepared to share and assist others.

I speak with people daily who are beginning to prepare. They are storing up food, water, and other provisions, and are establishing plans to help them cope during times of difficulties.

Now, I’m extremely pleased to see people beginning to prepare. There is a preparation urgency, so I believe it is important – on many levels.

But, also…

I believe it is essential that we prepare in our relationships. We must pray that Yah will bring our families to a place of preparation. Those who are emotionally fragile, will have a very difficult time during a crisis period. Those who have an “intellectual faith” will struggle in understanding why Yah is allowing such pain and suffering to happen. We need to be continually seeking the Father, and resting in the knowledge that He alone is in control.

I believe our preparations and storage are tasks that we all should undertake, however, we should not look on our provisions as our security. Our security is in He Who has called us to this moment, that we might share with those who will be afraid and hurting.

Our preparation in learning how to store food is just a task. If we are gripped by that which causes fear, and tremble with the chaos around us – we serve little purpose in sharing the hope of He who as given us His grace. If we are to share peace, we must have peace. The drama of chaos must be insignificant – as there will be many who will shudder during the storm. Those who are called to prepare will have the great blessing of offering comfort to those who are afraid – because we know the One who calms the storm.

I believe there is a time of great chaos coming to this land. Whatever the events that will create uncertainty, are only temporal. I also believe we face a constitutional crisis that will cause great troubles and struggle. It will be time like no other.

There is an urgency to prepare now. Pray without ceasing. Prepare your hearts and minds. Prepare your relationships. Be ready for that which you cannot plan or control.

Getting Prepared Spiritually

As things continue to intensify and people struggle with the uncertainties of the times, it is important that we continue preparing – and especially getting prepared spiritually.

Recently, my sister wrote a daily devotional on “Spiritual Maturity”. I thought it was very good and certainly timely with what is going on now in the world. I’ve shared on the topic before, but I think her points certainly warrant repeating. I will share some of the main points of her article below.

Fulfilling the call of God on your life – and also getting prepared for future difficulties – will require spiritual maturity. If we examine what Solomon had to go through to prepare to build the house of the Lord, we gain insight into how the Lord prepares us and trains us up. King David wanted to build the House of the Lord, but God told him that Solomon would be the one who would build the House. Even though David was probably disappointed, he began helping Solomon prepare himself for the task. In 1 Chronicles 29:1 David said, “Solomon is yet young and tinder” (inexperienced), in other words he had not matured yet. King David knew Solomon was inexperience and would need to mature in order to accomplish the call on his life.

Right now as our world faces growing uncertainties, many people are living in fear and panic. Unfortunately, many people have simply been oblivious to the need to ready themselves for difficulties – or may have ignored the preparation call. We live in a world of immaturity. We live in a time when the adults have more toys than the children and most people don’t want to grow up. The first step to spiritual maturity comes as the worldly desires are put aside and the work of the kingdom becomes a priority.


Are you prepared for the coming crisis?

Are you prepared for the coming crisis?

Preparation I have often shared in this blog, that I have felt a “call” to prepare for many years. I have also discussed (recently) the need to intensify preparation. World concerns have been moving us toward an “event” at a much more rapid pace – and many people are beginning to get more nervous and certainly afraid.

My intent, is not to scare – but to impress upon folks the need to prepare. I realize the “get prepared” message is a bit ambiguous, and certainly there are people and groups out there that are pressing extreme views and radical ideas. Some are purposefully preying on the fears of individuals. The preparation call I have felt for over 10 years, is not about having fear – rather, it’s about being able to stay calm and deal effectively during the coming crisis.

We have developed a society of convenience and comforts. We get up-to-the minute news by clicking a mouse and have been conditioned to expect information in 30 second soundbites. We keep up with friends and celebrities and often base our relationships with people by reading a two-sentence post on twitter. In so many ways, we have become shallow and overly self-pleasured.


Prepare by Transitioning Your Treasures

Prepare by Transitioning Your Treasures

land 029I have felt impressed to begin getting a bit more “intense” with my preparation efforts.  I’ve been on the journey toward this transition for quite a while, so getting to this place actually feels like I’ve arrived home.

My preparation journey has been a transition from a 1.3 million dollar mansion in California, to a much more remote area in a very small home that is on land that has been in my family for several generations.  I have shifted from a lifestyle of riding in limos and eating at fancy restaurants, to enjoying a peaceful morning harmony of chirping birds, wind whispering through the trees, and farm animals cheerfully welcoming the sunrise.  The stream on the property keeps this morning orchestra in perfect cadence as the restful water tumbles over the smooth rocks – flowing gently toward the river below.

Yesterday, I had the opportunity to visit a local shop owner in our town.  He had been a merchant for many years, and was lamenting about the fall of his business.  He had been extremely successful, but the last three years had been brutal for him – and he was bitter.

The business this merchant had successfully built over the years was beginning to reflect “the shift” in what people value as a treasure.  His wares were once considered a collectible investment that brought comfort and pleasure to the possessor.  Now, as people are impacted with a changing environment – his trinkets are becoming worthless.

I believe a similar “transition of treasure” will be required of most people during the preparation process.  For some, it will be a difficult transition simply because their heart remains with treasures that have defined our comforts.  In my journey, the Lord began to shift what I have valued as a “treasure”.   I firmly believe that one of the most difficult (yet required) elements of preparation is embracing the changes in what we truly place value in.  We can either embrace the transition of treasure, or we can wage a feeble struggle that will ultimately take us down a path of defeat and bitterness.  Either way, the change will happen – whether we want it or not.

“Where your treasure is, there your heart will be also.”  (Luke 12:35).

As I continue to prepare, I believe we all need to continually take personal inventory of the things that truly reflect value to us.  I reflect on how changes (perhaps drastic changes) might impact the items that have been labeled as a “treasure.”

Every day I am more convinced… Our real treasures can not be acquired by a purchase.