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What is a Preparation Call?

As I’ve shared about the Preparation Call God has given me, I struggled with “why” things are so difficult.  It seems that God’s preparation for leadership involves times of long waiting, painful experiences, rejection from people we love, and even isolation.

I often consider Moses, as he was raised as royalty and had everything he could ever want or need.   Obviously, he was pretty comfortable in his lifestyle – and I can imagine that he was pretty stable with the way things were going.  God had other plans.

To become the leader God wanted, Moses had to be prepared.  He had to deal with some pretty difficult changes, and I feel certain he had to understand the concept of Faith beyond wealth and prosperity.  If he were going to be able to free a nation, he would need a heart change.

Moses was forced to flee into the desert – completely removed from his comfort zone.  He would now have to deal with some very difficult years of preparation.

Moses went from having incredible wealth, to complete and utter devastation.  He went from being a prince with all the accolades that went with living in the house of Pharaoh, to being a vagrant in the desert without anyone around.  Everything he knew was now destroyed.  He was alone, tired, and empty.  Now, he had to learn to adjust to his circumstances – and endure an extended time of waiting.

I can only imagine the pain of the waiting, and the impatience he must have felt.  I assume he felt he would live out is days in the land of Midian.

We all know the story how God appeared to Moses in a burning bush.  It was 40 years from the day he arrived, and now God was able to use Moses to accomplish the assignment.  The years of difficulty and discomfort had prepared the vessel to accomplish the work.

I’ve learned that preparation is difficult, but it is vital to season the vessel.  It is critical to build character and Faith, and for understanding and wisdom.  Do not try to shortcut the desert time of God.  Trying to escape the desert will only prolong the journey.  Learn what is expected, and be thankful for the Preparation Call that God has given.  He has an amazing assignment ahead for those who endure.

Preparing For the Best

Preparing For the Best

preparation callAll over the world, things are tough right now for a lot of people. If you have listened to the news at all, you have likely experienced discouragement with all the terrible things you may have heard or read. In fact, literally as I was typing this post I received word that a business colleague had taken his own life. Obviously, there is a lot of suffering right now all over the globe.

On a personal level, things been extremely difficult for my family over the last several years. In recent months, I have spoken to many people who are also experiencing great pain. I have come to the realization that every friend and family member I know, are dealing with some type of health issue, financial issue, or some other very difficult struggle.

Many years ago, it was laid on my heart the need for preparation. I left a great income and moved my family to North Carolina based on this call to prepare. Unfortunately, I’ve spent the majority of my last four years struggling and wondering “why” things have been so miserable. (more…)

Economic Disaster looms

The Great Depression was a global crisis that started in most Countries in 1929 and ending at different times in the late 1930s or early 1940s. Obviously, most people have heard of this significant economic downturn, as it was the largest and most important economic depression in modern history.

The Great Depression started in the United States, with the general view of historian identifying the stock market crash on October 29, 1929 as the origination date. It’s interesting that the end of the depression in the U.S is associated with the war economy of World War II, beginning around 1939.

With the economic difficulties facing our world now, many people are not referencing the Great Depression and are concerned we are fast-approaching another serious Depression. As fear grips people all over the globe, their is a further deteriorating impact on our economy. International trade plunges, as people begin to cut back on purchasing. Employers are forced to trim their work force, which causes a tax revenue decline in governments – and impacts services.

Our dependencies on comforts and obsessive “need” for more “things” has been the catalyst for this recent financial unraveling. I’ll take it further, and proclaim it is our pride and self-serving hypocrisy that is bringing this destruction on us.

In fact, I firmly believe we are seeing the beginning of a permanent change in our lives. Judgment is upon us, and it will begin in the household of faith. Those who can hear, be prepared.

The lavish lifestyles of ministries will be exposed, and fall into ruin. Be prepared, believers,

Time to setup Your 3-Year Plan

There is so much uncertainty in the world right now. Everywhere you go, people seem discouraged and quite concerned about events that are taking place. If you listen to the news media (which I do not encourage), you know that there is a massive blitz taking place to put fear into the hearts of men.

Years ago, I felt the “Call to Preparation”‘. It was laid on my heart that we would experience difficult times, where panic would grip people, and fear would converge on nations.

In the midst of a storm, the human tendency is to look at the waves crashing against our vessel or at the dark clouds that keep us from seeing the sunshine. Our “flesh” is weakened by the fear for our safety and comfort.

The answer is always to look to the One who calms the storms – He who sits on the throne and offers us peace, joy, security, and direction.

The events and fears we are experiencing was placed in my heart over 8 years ago. Even as I have been preparing for years- my flesh still battles the difficulties, and I sense the burdens of others who are beginning to fall into despair.

My encouragement is to look away from the media and to trust in the One who walked on the water, the One who raised Lazarus from death, and the One who is returning for His bride.

Our God is Faithful!

Be encouraged as our Faith is not in the warped message of CNN. The media can/does manipulate world events by the seed they plant into the hearts of people. Now, for purposes yet exposed – the seed of fear is being planted and watered all over the world.

The emerging “global system” is being formed right before our eyes, and will be formed as a necessity to solve the current crisis. I’ll share more in the coming weeks, but strongly believe that NOW is the time Believers should be in strong prayer and preparation. NOT living in fear, but preparing for the great harvest that is ahead.

I strongly encourage believers not to enter into debt during this time. That goes against the very message we are being told by the media and government – as it is the base of our economic system. It is also part of the flesh desire for more “things” that has led to much of this crisis.

For my family, I have felt led to develop a “3-Year Plan”. I believe we have a “window” of three years before things get really interesting.

Thomas Jefferson weighs in on our Crisis

Thomas Jefferson weighs in on our Crisis

Very Interesting Quote in light of the present financial crisis…
Thomas Jefferson
“If the American people ever allow private banks to control the issuance of their currency, first by inflation and then by deflation, the banks and corporations that will grow up around them will deprive the people of all their property until their children will wake up homeless on the continent their fathers conquered.”

Learned principles from the life of Elijah

Offered by Jeff Rowland

Understanding that Elijah’s life was marked by miracles, there are certain principles drawn that we can apply to our lives today.

  1. In order to appreciate the flood of the Spirit we must go through many dry times.  We can all agree that there have been some dry times for the church.  However, we need to understand that God can sustain us even when we are alone.  Though a corporate move of God may not be happening where you are, we can enjoy the flood of the Holy Spirit in our own life.   How often has all of us heard the call of the Spirit to come away from among the crowds and simply be alone with Him, that we may be refreshed in the things of God.  During the drought Elijah was kept by the brook Cherith where water was in abundance.  Indeed God can prepare a table before us in the presence of our enemies.
  2. To be sustained it takes more than human ability – it takes supernatural intervention.  Nothing in the experience of Elijah could be understood as coming from his own power.  Supernatural intervention comes when all natural sources are exhausted.  It is not a question of IF we will face things we have no answers for, it is WHEN we face things we have no answer for that we are perfectly set up for an intervention on a supernatural and divine level.  Elijah did not know how God would provide, he had to walk by faith facing situation that only God could deal with.
  3. God will operate and provide through people you never thought he would use. Could Elijah have known that a little widow would be used of God to provide for him the food he would need?  The reason we miss so much in our spiritual journey, is because we have so devalued one another that we cannot receive but from certain ones that fits the image of what we think God will use. (more…)