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I have such an incredible family.   My wife and children have been such an inspiration and support.

My oldest daughter shared this with me, and it is so pertinent to the Preparation Call and to the theme of this site.  I hope you enjoy…

Remind the people to be subject to rulers and authorities, to be obedient, to be ready to do whatever is good, to slander no one, to be peaceable and considerate, and always to be gentle toward everyone.  Titus 3:1-2

This is such a spectacular verse!  You may not be a Christian or of the same beliefs, but there’s no denying that the above verse can be applied to everyone’s life.  It just isn’t something we always want to hear, is it?  Especially in the heat of a moment or time of frustration or those periods when you want to just isolate yourselves and take care of your own. But take a moment to really let that sentence sink in.

I find that the section in particular that sums up the entire verse is “to be ready to do whatever is good”.  To be ready!  That’s another way of saying ‘prepare’. Everyone should be ready to do whatever is good, not only in the easy times, but more so in the difficult times.  To be considerate, peaceable and gentle toward everyone!

As you take this journey and are preparing, you cannot neglect your heart. Preparation is a process that should go deeper than solely learning which alternative shelter to choose or how to store enough food.  This is a journey that takes heart and you cannot lose a grip on your foundation. Yes, learn all that you can and prepare in the physical and external sense of the word. Yet always remember that external circumstances can quickly shift.  Put your hope in the living God and not in how well you prepare. So that then you can be ready to do whatever is good even in the most difficult moments.