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time to prepareAs I have shared often I believe there is an increasing urgency to get prepared.  With every passing day I am more convinced with the increasingly intense need to prepare – and every day my family is busy with preparing.

The comments that will be expressed here will seem to be somewhat contradictory.   I assure you there is not a contradiction, but the confusion will lie in the interpretation.

Yesterday, I had the pleasure of speaking with two of my dearest friends – specifically about the topic of preparation.  I hear from people all the time about their concerns and even fears with things that are going on, so I was delighted to have the opportunity to get a perspective from two people I know have a strong faith in God.

Their responses were very interesting, and were really a confirmation with what God has impressed to me.   The more interesting part for me is that the opinions they expressed, appear to be opposite answers to the same question.  The reality is, the answers were both consistent with what God has shown me about the need to prepare.

There is no question about the need to prepare for things that are ahead.  In fact, I believe there are significant challenges ahead for the USA that will cause great grief for those who are not adequately prepared.  One of my friends shared a warning (that God had impressed on him) about a coming drought and violent hurricanes that are ahead.  He obviously believes people need to prepare, and wanted my help in sharing the warning.

His warning was a confirmation of what Yah had impressed to me.  I also believe there are going to be turbulent times that will shake the earth.  Floods, mudslides, drought and quakes will impact lives, and cause chaos and suffering.  We must be prepared.

When I asked the other friend for his opinion about the times, he simply said “Rest in Him, and do not focus too much on turmoil and chaos the are coming”.

While this seems to be a contradiction to the message of preparation, it really is not.  In fact, from what Yah has shown me – this IS the essence of the preparation call.  Our focus should be on He who calms the storm, and less emphasis on the boat that is being tossed in the wind.

Our Messiah said…

“Martha, Martha, you worry and fret about so many things and yet few are needed, indeed only one. It is Mary who has chosen the better part and it shall not be taken from her.” (Luke 10:41-42)

Right now, it is important to prepare your cupboards and store provisions – especially if drought is coming.   The need to prepare and store food, water and provisions is obvious – and is not an alarmist reaction.  It is being prudent to the warnings.

BUT… the more important part of preparation, is to Prepare as the Bride.  Spend time at the feet of the Messiah and feast on His provision.  Draw closer to Him and rest in His peace.  Let your preparations be guided in Faith – and the knowledge that God is in control, and not you.