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Losing Faith

Today, my heart is heavy.  I need to vent a bit.

All around, I am seeing an increasing trend toward “turning away” from God, and Godly Living.   There is little doubt that people are afraid, and are losing hope.  As things get more chaotic and difficult, it seems that individuals are beginning to look more-and-more to government and charities to help – rather than turning to God.

As offerings suffer during a difficult economy, many Churches are beginning to alter their message – apparently to “appeal” to a larger group of people.  Many Pastors are no longer bold in their pulpits for fear of being released from their call.  (Note to those Pastors… Your Call is from God, and you should be operating in obedience to His authority alone!)   The feel-good gospel shared in many “super churches” is distorting true humble and obedient Faith in God, and replacing it with hollow faith in a persons self-righteous pride.  Be warned, that faith is temporal and will not sustain.

For 25 years, it was my joy and blessing to serve with the YMCA.  When I started, the Mission of the National office was impressive to me:  “Putting Christian Principles into practice through programs that build a healthy, body, mind and spirit for all”.  Over the years, the YMCA national leadership has slowly turned away from the Christian Principles the organization was founded on.  The mission statement today is nothing more than a hollow, watered-down, feel-good, message to help a community.  Certainly, service is good – but the Judeo/Christian Principles that birthed the YMCA seem to have been forgotten.  The justification is… there is a need to appeal to a larger, more diverse, population.  I take issue, and say that the message of Scripture is available to EVERY person – regardless of their diverse background.  The Word is stable, and continues to be current and up-to-date.  God has NOT changed – we just don’t recognize Him the same, because we have turned away from Him. (more…)

A few Preparation Insights

I have been focused on preparation for a long time, so any discussion on the topic comes very natural to me.  I am finding, however; even as the topic of preparation is becoming more widespread – there are still quite a few people who do not fully understand what is meant by preparation.

I’ve stated before, like with everything people have varying levels of preparation – and certainly different motivations for preparation.  Let me share some general insights on preparation, specifically as it relates to an emergency “change” in lifestyle.

The first question that I’d ask someone to gauge their preparation status is:  “If there were to be an emergency of any kind, are you adequately prepared?”  It may be a tornado, flood or even a hurricane.  It could even be a catastrophic event such as a pandemic illness that sweeps through the world. How prepared are you in case of just such an event?

Unfortunately, the answer for most people is that they are not prepared at all.  Emergency preparation takes forethought and careful planning.  It is not about paranoia or that the world is coming to an end soon (although, you should be prepared for that as well).  If you look, you can definitely find many crackpot (some legitimate) websites that are dedicated to driving paranoia and government conspiracies.  Our intent is not to fuel fear – rather, to impress upon the need to prepare in the event of an emergency or disaster.  This article is designed to help you understand what you can do to be prepared.

How do people prepare for emergencies?

Emergency preparation all starts with a list.  You need to really stop and think about the possible emergencies that could happen in your region of the world. If you live near a river, lake or the ocean then you have to worry about flooding.  If you live in a tornado prone area, you need to prepare for that. Winter storms can do a terrible amount of damage. Step one is thinking about what you use on a daily basis.  Water is the number one resource that must be conserved and kept in case of an emergency.  People can survive weeks without food but only a few days without water.  And in the case of an emergency you cannot trust the water coming out of your faucet.

The second step is examining your shelter.  Should your home be damaged you need to have an alternate place for shelter set up.  It may be at a friend, family member or coworker’s home.

The third most important step is making an emergency plan. This plan should detail where all members of the family will meet in case they are separated at the time of the emergency. There are many books that you can purchase to help you learn basic survival skills in case of a disaster. You should consider picking one up and reviewing it just to see how well you would fare. (more…)

Modern Preparation Strategy and Supplies

Many people have felt the call to begin preparing and collecting supplies for several years.   There has been a growing concern for the need to prepare, as recent world events have created increased awareness with the need to prepare.

There are many forums and networks now available for people to discuss preparation, and to learn new skills that will be helpful in the future.  There is little doubt that people need to begin getting more serious and focused to adequately prepare for their family needs.

Some people who have already started preparing and collecting supplies have a pretty good idea of things they will need in the event of an emergency or a long-term crisis.  Obviously, they are storing food and water and are collecting general need supplies like:  first-aid kits, basic tools like flashlights, waterproof matches, firearms, and radio communication devices.  (more…)

Quit looking back, it’s time to look forward

As times get more difficult, it becomes increasingly important that we prepare ourselves mentally, emotionally, spiritually, and physically. In my life, it seems that I am being led through a “purging process”. This process has been painful, especially as I tried to hold onto many things that I had accumulated along the journey. Now I realize, the purging is helping to lighten the load I am carrying so I can better maneuver the times ahead.

One of the areas that has been impressed upon me to purge, is the emotional baggage that has often been a weighty distraction. Hurts from broken or failed relationships, insecurities, and guilt from personal failures have all been obstacles to my movement forward. I have spent far too much time struggling under heavy emotional burdens that are completely unnecessary and are hindering me from being tightly focused on preparation for the path ahead.

Preparation is not as easy as I once imagined. Certainly, it can be easy to put a few things in storage and to learn some new skills, but the more difficult part of the journey is the process of transitioning. Habits that have been accumulated, and comforts that have become a part of life – are now being altered. It is a necessity, because the journey ahead will not allow for the status quo. (more…)

What is a Preparation Call?

As I’ve shared about the Preparation Call God has given me, I struggled with “why” things are so difficult.  It seems that God’s preparation for leadership involves times of long waiting, painful experiences, rejection from people we love, and even isolation.

I often consider Moses, as he was raised as royalty and had everything he could ever want or need.   Obviously, he was pretty comfortable in his lifestyle – and I can imagine that he was pretty stable with the way things were going.  God had other plans.

To become the leader God wanted, Moses had to be prepared.  He had to deal with some pretty difficult changes, and I feel certain he had to understand the concept of Faith beyond wealth and prosperity.  If he were going to be able to free a nation, he would need a heart change.

Moses was forced to flee into the desert – completely removed from his comfort zone.  He would now have to deal with some very difficult years of preparation.

Moses went from having incredible wealth, to complete and utter devastation.  He went from being a prince with all the accolades that went with living in the house of Pharaoh, to being a vagrant in the desert without anyone around.  Everything he knew was now destroyed.  He was alone, tired, and empty.  Now, he had to learn to adjust to his circumstances – and endure an extended time of waiting.

I can only imagine the pain of the waiting, and the impatience he must have felt.  I assume he felt he would live out is days in the land of Midian.

We all know the story how God appeared to Moses in a burning bush.  It was 40 years from the day he arrived, and now God was able to use Moses to accomplish the assignment.  The years of difficulty and discomfort had prepared the vessel to accomplish the work.

I’ve learned that preparation is difficult, but it is vital to season the vessel.  It is critical to build character and Faith, and for understanding and wisdom.  Do not try to shortcut the desert time of God.  Trying to escape the desert will only prolong the journey.  Learn what is expected, and be thankful for the Preparation Call that God has given.  He has an amazing assignment ahead for those who endure.

Preparing For the Best

Preparing For the Best

preparation callAll over the world, things are tough right now for a lot of people. If you have listened to the news at all, you have likely experienced discouragement with all the terrible things you may have heard or read. In fact, literally as I was typing this post I received word that a business colleague had taken his own life. Obviously, there is a lot of suffering right now all over the globe.

On a personal level, things been extremely difficult for my family over the last several years. In recent months, I have spoken to many people who are also experiencing great pain. I have come to the realization that every friend and family member I know, are dealing with some type of health issue, financial issue, or some other very difficult struggle.

Many years ago, it was laid on my heart the need for preparation. I left a great income and moved my family to North Carolina based on this call to prepare. Unfortunately, I’ve spent the majority of my last four years struggling and wondering “why” things have been so miserable. (more…)