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family closeIn the difficult and turbulent times we are facing, families are changing.  In many ways the change is ultimately very good.  I believe it is pushing families to be more cohesive and sensitive to each other.   Families are somewhat forced to draw closer together in order to work through the tough times and fears.  Obviously, family congruency is an important part of the preparation process.

I have heard many stories of how my grandparents raised their children to help around the homestead.  It seems to have been common practice (and necessity) that families worked together to maintain the farm – and to survive.  Times were tough, and families drew on the strength of each other to get through the turmoil.

With our modern improvements and advancements in technology (such as television, internet and cell phones), family ties have been impacted.  Also, there is a catastrophic falling-away from the moral principles, teachings, and values that governed our homes.  The divorce epidemic in our society has destroyed the peace and stability of the family unit.  Children who once had the influence of their mother and father, now were getting influenced and guided by care-givers outside the home.

As a result of our moral decline, today many adults are simply ill-prepared for the difficulties that we now face – and will become increasingly intense.  The first devastating impact will occur as our economy continues to deteriorate and force us to make difficult choices for our survival.  The modern family that has been flush with entertainment options and toys, will likely find new economic challenges.  A growing number of families will be forced to alter their entertainment habits (out of necessity) which may actually bring families together for alternative activities.

Another factor is the growing need for families to work together on multiple-family living space.  Every week, I am hearing more-and-more families are being forced to have relatives move-in with them in order to cut expenses.  Adult children are returning home in order to save on expenses.   Certainly, it creates some discomforts – but, it does force families to revisit their relationships and work together for survival.

The fears of the unknown, are creating stress and hardship on everyone.  Parents are struggling to hold things together, and kids are wondering what will happen in the future.  It’s a painful time, but… a great opportunity for families to draw closer and feel the security of their love for each other.  Things are not quite as difficult when you feel like you have someone with you regardless of how tough it gets.  That’s where family comes in.

The most important part of all, is to bring the family together with God as the priority.  He will never leave us, or forsake us – regardless of how scary things may seem.

Parents, and especially fathers, right now it is vital that you find God and dwell in His Peace.

“I will lie down, both in peace and in sleep for You alone, Lord, make me dwell in safety” Psalm 4:8

As God’s children, we possess a powerful gift that we must call on during this difficult time.  We possess the Peace of God.  We can rest in that Peace and lie down at night after a long, hard day with the knowledge that the Lord is going to take care of everything that is troubling us.  That is a wonderful gift.  As the world will become increasingly difficult, many people will be searching for rescue from the troubles of life.   We have an answer in the care of a loving God.

Although we can’t escape every problem, as Christians, we can be assured that we serve a God who is big enough to take care of us in every way!  Even as the world around us becomes consumed in turmoil.

Fathers, mothers, bring your family together today.  Hold your kids, as they are trembling with concern and fear.   Reassure them of your love and give them the strength of a solid family foundation.  There is no doubt that the turmoil that is upon us will change families.  Let us commit to making it a positive change.