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Be Prepared, but don’t be busy?

Be Prepared, but don’t be busy?

time to prepareAs I have shared often I believe there is an increasing urgency to get prepared.  With every passing day I am more convinced with the increasingly intense need to prepare – and every day my family is busy with preparing.

The comments that will be expressed here will seem to be somewhat contradictory.   I assure you there is not a contradiction, but the confusion will lie in the interpretation.

Yesterday, I had the pleasure of speaking with two of my dearest friends – specifically about the topic of preparation.  I hear from people all the time about their concerns and even fears with things that are going on, so I was delighted to have the opportunity to get a perspective from two people I know have a strong faith in God.

Their responses were very interesting, and were really a confirmation with what God has impressed to me.   The more interesting part for me is that the opinions they expressed, appear to be opposite answers to the same question.  The reality is, the answers were both consistent with what God has shown me about the need to prepare.

There is no question about the need to prepare for things that are ahead.  In fact, I believe there are significant challenges ahead for the USA that will cause great grief for those who are not adequately prepared.  One of my friends shared a warning (that God had impressed on him) about a coming drought and violent hurricanes that are ahead.  He obviously believes people need to prepare, and wanted my help in sharing the warning.

His warning was a confirmation of what Yah had impressed to me.  I also believe there are going to be turbulent times that will shake the earth.  Floods, mudslides, drought and quakes will impact lives, and cause chaos and suffering.  We must be prepared.

When I asked the other friend for his opinion about the times, he simply said “Rest in Him, and do not focus too much on turmoil and chaos the are coming”.

While this seems to be a contradiction to the message of preparation, it really is not.  In fact, from what Yah has shown me – this IS the essence of the preparation call.  Our focus should be on He who calms the storm, and less emphasis on the boat that is being tossed in the wind.

Our Messiah said…

“Martha, Martha, you worry and fret about so many things and yet few are needed, indeed only one. It is Mary who has chosen the better part and it shall not be taken from her.” (Luke 10:41-42)

Right now, it is important to prepare your cupboards and store provisions – especially if drought is coming.   The need to prepare and store food, water and provisions is obvious – and is not an alarmist reaction.  It is being prudent to the warnings.

BUT… the more important part of preparation, is to Prepare as the Bride.  Spend time at the feet of the Messiah and feast on His provision.  Draw closer to Him and rest in His peace.  Let your preparations be guided in Faith – and the knowledge that God is in control, and not you.

Whose voice then shook the earth!

The Shaking

Whose voice then shook the earth

Shared by Jeff Rowland.

The power of the voice of God is unmatched by anything the earth has ever seen or come in contact with.  One word from the lips of God can destroy with more devastation than any bomb ever created.  One word from the lips of God can breathe life into anything or anyone.

(1Ki 19:12)  And after the earthquake a fire; but the LORD was not in the fire: and after the fire a still small voice.

Even though our God’s voice is so powerful, He can speak with such still softness as to gently urge the hearts of all who will listen.  Could it be that the gentleness of our God is often why we so disregard and refuse Him that speaks?  Could it be that our God is speaking louder so as to get our attention to the times we are living in now?

I believe that we are now living in the middle of Hebrews 12:25-29.  I also believe that God is speaking to the earth and its time that we begin to pay attention.  There is always purpose and reason to the voice of God being released.

Verse 26 says, “Whose voice then shook the earth.”  We need to consider the events that are taking place now at such a rapid rate of speed.  The earthquakes that are ravaging the earth all over must be given heed to.  Jesus foretold of things to come as a sign of the end of the age in Matthew 24.

(Mat 24:7)  For nation shall rise against nation, and kingdom against kingdom: and there shall be famines, and pestilences, and earthquakes, in divers places.

This was the response of Jesus after being asked the question what is the sign of thy coming and of the end of the world?  We are now seeing these signs.  Even a casual student of the Word of God can see these things are upon us.


The Shaking

See that ye refuse not him that speaketh!
Shared by Jeff Rowland.

I have been preaching now for 27 years.  I have Pastored churches for over 20 years, and there is urgency growing in my spirit like never before.  The things I’m going to share with you have captivated my heart in such an unusual way that I feel like purpose is surging through me to get some information out to as many people as I possibly can.  I do believe that for such a time as this, this message is to be proclaimed.

With the recent earthquakes in Japan and in other parts of the world my mind began to go to a passage of scripture and has swallowed up my entire being.  I understand that earthquakes have been happening since the dawn of time.  However, Jesus told us how that earthquakes would be a sign of His soon return and that always triggers something in people when a sign in the bible is being fulfilled before their very eyes.  I had the same response when I read this passage that I have read many times before, but now it seemed like I was reading it for the very first time.

Heb 12:25-29 See that ye refuse not him that speaketh. For if they escaped not who refused him that spake on earth, much more shall not we escape, if we turn away from him that speaketh from heaven:  Whose voice then shook the earth: but now he hath promised, saying, Yet once more I shake not the earth only, but also heaven.  And this word, Yet once more, signifieth the removing of those things that are shaken, as of things that are made, that those things which cannot be shaken may remain.  Wherefore we receiving a kingdom which cannot be moved, let us have grace, whereby we may serve God acceptably with reverence and godly fear: For our God is a consuming fire.

From a literal standpoint we must always be reminded of what the book of Hebrews is about.  This book in the bible is teaching us how much better the new covenant is to the old covenant.  It teaches us how much better Jesus is to the angels or to Moses.  These things and many more things must be kept in our mind in looking at this or any other text in this book.  The comparison is being drawn here between Mount Sinai and Mount Zion.  In the Spirit I have to say that I’m convinced that this passage represents exactly where we are in God’s time.

The writer begins by saying, “See that ye refuse not him that speaketh.” This warning is critical and is also an indictment against the church today.  It reminds me of the writings to the seven churches of Revelation and the end of each discourse to them; “he that hath an ear let him hear what the Spirit says to the churches.”

I don’t remember a time when people’s response to the word of God has been so relaxed.  It’s as if the Word of God no longer carries any real meaning or power in people’s lives.  One could almost draw the conclusion that no one really believes what the bible is saying.  We may agree with it in word but if we don’t allow it to motivate us to action then I’m not sure if we really believe it from our heart? (more…)

Prepare: The Increasing Intensity

My wife and I are blessed with three beautiful children.  My youngest is about to be 21 years old.

I had the incredible joy of experiencing the birth of each of my kids, and welcoming them into their family.   I was with my wife at every moment during the labor.

We often joke about the moments of labor, and how I tried to comfort my wife during the contractions.  It was certainly a painful experience for my precious wife, but also a beautiful time in our lives.   Most parents can relate to the difficulties of the birth process and the incredible joy that followed.

There is a growing intensity in everything right now.  To me, it is a reminder of the labor pains that we went through as our beautiful children were preparing to join our family.  They started with minor discomforts, and intensified quickly – as the time of their arrival drew near.

Our Messiah shares that during the last days we will experience difficulties, and then related them to the pangs of labor.  Obviously, I believe that means we will see increasing intensity as we draw nearer to His return.

“For nation will rise up against nation, and kingdom against kingdom; there will be earthquakes in various places; there will also be famines. These things are merely the beginning of birth pangs.”  Mark 13:8  NAS

I often think about the events that led up to the birth of my children.  What if I had not taken my wife to the hospital as she was entering into labor.  What if she and I had delayed in our preparations for our children?   It seems to reason that things would have been extremely difficult.

Preparation is vital – especially now in the beginning of the birth pangs.  The new birth is coming soon, and we have no more time to delay.

Sharing in the Last Days

I have the wonderful blessing of meeting with some very special people, and sharing about the times we are currently living.  I find it a great joy to listen as people open their hearts, and share what Yah is revealing to them about the days.

Throughout scripture we are introduced to people who were given an important assignment for an important time.  Those people were anointed to fulfill that assignment – most often under extremely difficult conditions.  They remained faithful to the call, and shared what Yah had appointed for them to accomplish.

Recently, I was delighted to fellowship with a man that I believe has an incredible anointed message for the time we find ourselves.  Over the upcoming days, I would like to begin sharing some of that message here on this site.  Please feel free to comment and share your thoughts.

With more to follow, below is an introduction to a message by Jeff Rowland.

The Shaking of the last days

Without a doubt we are living in the last days.  We have heard those words so much that we have almost become callused to it.  However, the things we are witnessing around the world points only to the soon return of the Lord Jesus Christ.  Even a casual student of the Word of God would have to acknowledge that fact.

Looking forward to His return can give us hope in this life, but understanding what God is doing in these last days can give us strength to live with confidence in the power of God, and in a constant state of renewal.

We want to take a look into what God is doing in these last days.  I believe we are in the beginning of sorrows as Jesus taught in Matthew 24, and simultaneously we are living in the beginning of one of the greatest stirrings of God’s Spirit that has ever been on the earth.  It is with this perspective that we look at the Word of God for His last day instruction and guidance as to how we continue on in this life.

What God is doing in these last days has effect on every aspect of life in terms of people, the earth and heaven.  Understanding of this can lead you to great victories while lack of understanding can lead you to hopelessness, and despair.  Many in these days seem to have no spiritual energy at all.  Most are approaching these days with the attitude that they need nothing more than what they now have in God.  The problem is that what God is doing in these days will effect even those who seem satisfied with the status quo in their lives.

It’s my prayer that these words will touch you in a way that will cause you to chase Jesus once again in your life, to run after Him with all your strength.  I trust that God anoint what the Spirit is saying to those who read it?