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Getting Prepared Spiritually

As things continue to intensify and people struggle with the uncertainties of the times, it is important that we continue preparing – and especially getting prepared spiritually.

Recently, my sister wrote a daily devotional on “Spiritual Maturity”. I thought it was very good and certainly timely with what is going on now in the world. I’ve shared on the topic before, but I think her points certainly warrant repeating. I will share some of the main points of her article below.

Fulfilling the call of God on your life – and also getting prepared for future difficulties – will require spiritual maturity. If we examine what Solomon had to go through to prepare to build the house of the Lord, we gain insight into how the Lord prepares us and trains us up. King David wanted to build the House of the Lord, but God told him that Solomon would be the one who would build the House. Even though David was probably disappointed, he began helping Solomon prepare himself for the task. In 1 Chronicles 29:1 David said, “Solomon is yet young and tinder” (inexperienced), in other words he had not matured yet. King David knew Solomon was inexperience and would need to mature in order to accomplish the call on his life.

Right now as our world faces growing uncertainties, many people are living in fear and panic. Unfortunately, many people have simply been oblivious to the need to ready themselves for difficulties – or may have ignored the preparation call. We live in a world of immaturity. We live in a time when the adults have more toys than the children and most people don’t want to grow up. The first step to spiritual maturity comes as the worldly desires are put aside and the work of the kingdom becomes a priority.


Are you prepared for the coming crisis?

Are you prepared for the coming crisis?

Preparation I have often shared in this blog, that I have felt a “call” to prepare for many years. I have also discussed (recently) the need to intensify preparation. World concerns have been moving us toward an “event” at a much more rapid pace – and many people are beginning to get more nervous and certainly afraid.

My intent, is not to scare – but to impress upon folks the need to prepare. I realize the “get prepared” message is a bit ambiguous, and certainly there are people and groups out there that are pressing extreme views and radical ideas. Some are purposefully preying on the fears of individuals. The preparation call I have felt for over 10 years, is not about having fear – rather, it’s about being able to stay calm and deal effectively during the coming crisis.

We have developed a society of convenience and comforts. We get up-to-the minute news by clicking a mouse and have been conditioned to expect information in 30 second soundbites. We keep up with friends and celebrities and often base our relationships with people by reading a two-sentence post on twitter. In so many ways, we have become shallow and overly self-pleasured.


Prepare by Transitioning Your Treasures

Prepare by Transitioning Your Treasures

land 029I have felt impressed to begin getting a bit more “intense” with my preparation efforts.  I’ve been on the journey toward this transition for quite a while, so getting to this place actually feels like I’ve arrived home.

My preparation journey has been a transition from a 1.3 million dollar mansion in California, to a much more remote area in a very small home that is on land that has been in my family for several generations.  I have shifted from a lifestyle of riding in limos and eating at fancy restaurants, to enjoying a peaceful morning harmony of chirping birds, wind whispering through the trees, and farm animals cheerfully welcoming the sunrise.  The stream on the property keeps this morning orchestra in perfect cadence as the restful water tumbles over the smooth rocks – flowing gently toward the river below.

Yesterday, I had the opportunity to visit a local shop owner in our town.  He had been a merchant for many years, and was lamenting about the fall of his business.  He had been extremely successful, but the last three years had been brutal for him – and he was bitter.

The business this merchant had successfully built over the years was beginning to reflect “the shift” in what people value as a treasure.  His wares were once considered a collectible investment that brought comfort and pleasure to the possessor.  Now, as people are impacted with a changing environment – his trinkets are becoming worthless.

I believe a similar “transition of treasure” will be required of most people during the preparation process.  For some, it will be a difficult transition simply because their heart remains with treasures that have defined our comforts.  In my journey, the Lord began to shift what I have valued as a “treasure”.   I firmly believe that one of the most difficult (yet required) elements of preparation is embracing the changes in what we truly place value in.  We can either embrace the transition of treasure, or we can wage a feeble struggle that will ultimately take us down a path of defeat and bitterness.  Either way, the change will happen – whether we want it or not.

“Where your treasure is, there your heart will be also.”  (Luke 12:35).

As I continue to prepare, I believe we all need to continually take personal inventory of the things that truly reflect value to us.  I reflect on how changes (perhaps drastic changes) might impact the items that have been labeled as a “treasure.”

Every day I am more convinced… Our real treasures can not be acquired by a purchase.

Prepare by purging some emotional baggage

Prepare by purging some emotional baggage

Scenic007I believe we live in turbulent times and the difficulties often cause great anxiety and chaos in families.  I also discern that things will likely get more difficult in the days and months ahead.  We must prepare.

I’ve often shared that the “Call to Preparation” is far more than just food storage and learning new skills.  It is about being anchored in your Faith, and letting God teach and lead you to overcome fears, difficulties, and discomforts – without completely falling apart (emotionally) under the strains.  For many people, it is a major challenge and an obstacle that has been easily hidden from view – in a relatively calm existence.  I often think that many of us would rather hide our fears under a rug, than go through the agony of facing (and dealing) with personal discomforts and failures.

The “discipline” of Preparation requires that we deal with tough things in order to handle tough days ahead.  The work of Preparation then, is not simply a stroll in the park.  In my journey, to be prepared means to accept the task of being vulnerable” in order to get rid of excess baggage that may hold me down during difficult times.  That means being open and willing to purge emotional baggage (and resentments) that will likely serve no good purpose in any future difficulty.

One of those difficulties for many people is dealing with past pains from childhood, or specifically – hurts from parents.  I don’t wish to sound cold or uncaring with emotional difficulties from a family of abuse, but I do wish to make a point.  For the sake of those you love… It is time to “get a grip” and move yourself to the present.

It absolutely amazes me the number of people who continually find a way to blame their problems or difficult circumstances on their parents.  Anytime trouble strikes, they are likely to complain “It’s all my parents’ fault!  They are the ones who made me this way.”  It sounds a lot like the ridiculous old saying I used to hear a lot… “The devil made me do it.”


Why make plans if God Controls my future?

This is a paradox that I have pondered many times.  I plan for the future, yet my plans are often altered (and even hindered) because of past fears and selfish comforts.  I sometime find it frustrating when the baggage of the past weighs on the whole concept of preparation.  How can I adequately prepare, if I am manipulated by fears?  How can I wisely get ready for potential discomforts, when my weak and selfish flesh always presses me for comforts?

I know that God is sovereign, and I also know by Faith that my future is in His hands.  That, however; is another area where I sometimes run into a paradox in my thinking –  If God has ultimate control of the outcome of my future, why should I be planning anyway?  Why would God call me to prepare if He already knows what the future holds – and already has a plan and outcome set for my life?

I have asked the Lord this question often in my daily quiet time with Him.  Early-on, I often struggled with the thought that preparation may be nothing more than a manifestation of my fear of things that I discern are coming.  Why would I be called to prepare, if I am also called to live by Faith?  If I am preparing, does that mean I am no longer living in Faith?  After all, Faith is often going where we are uncomfortable and perhaps confronting giants with little more than a rock and a sling.

The more I walk through this preparation process, the more I find that God seems to be preparing me, rather than me preparing for some other outcome.  He continually teaches me that many will not be prepared for some struggles ahead, and they will panic when the waves come – rather than staying focused on the Savior.

So, the preparation call seems to be as much an exercise in faith and obedience, as it is truly getting ready for a future calamity.  I find that through the difficulties of preparation, I now spend more time looking to Him for guidance – and less time wondering if I have stocked enough ammo.

So, I have learned some things as I’ve traveled on this journey of preparation.  I can’t say I’m pleased with what I’ve learned about myself, but I can say it has been quite revealing.  In many ways it has exposed me to some personal vulnerabilities that needed to be dealt with.

I felt the “call” to prepare over 30 years ago.  For the majority of that time I had developed assumptions about what preparation would actually look like; storing water, planting gardens, hunting, developing new survival skills, etc.

The fact is, preparation has been completely different than I imagined.

Preparation, is an act of obedience.  God called Noah to prepare and build an ark so that he and his family could be saved.  I’m pretty sure Noah wondered why he was called to prepare, especially knowing that he would look pretty foolish building a huge boat on dry land.  I’m also pretty sure he felt humiliated as people confronted him daily and ridiculed him for his silly project.  Ultimately, Noah was rewarded for his faithful obedience to his given assignment.

Here are some of the lessons I have learned in this journey.  I will expound more upon them later:

  • Preparation and Prayer should be INTIMATELY related.  Never undertake preparation, without first seeking the Lord.
  • Effective preparation will not be self-focused, but will always include others.  Preparation serves the needs of others.
  • Preparation is important, but is also very fragile.
  • Preparation is based on Faith:  It is the commitment to things hoped for in the future, and is based on the evidence of things visible in the present.
  • Preparation does not determine the outcome of the future – but it does direct many actions in the present:
  • Preparation is only partly a rational process.  Discernment, faith, and calling all contribute to the preparation process.
  • Preparation motivates us by pointing attention and effort to a hopeful outcome.  It helps us shift from problems to find solutions, turn limitations to possibilities, and changes despair to hope.
  • Preparation is often a value-based undertaking.

Losing Faith

Today, my heart is heavy.  I need to vent a bit.

All around, I am seeing an increasing trend toward “turning away” from God, and Godly Living.   There is little doubt that people are afraid, and are losing hope.  As things get more chaotic and difficult, it seems that individuals are beginning to look more-and-more to government and charities to help – rather than turning to God.

As offerings suffer during a difficult economy, many Churches are beginning to alter their message – apparently to “appeal” to a larger group of people.  Many Pastors are no longer bold in their pulpits for fear of being released from their call.  (Note to those Pastors… Your Call is from God, and you should be operating in obedience to His authority alone!)   The feel-good gospel shared in many “super churches” is distorting true humble and obedient Faith in God, and replacing it with hollow faith in a persons self-righteous pride.  Be warned, that faith is temporal and will not sustain.

For 25 years, it was my joy and blessing to serve with the YMCA.  When I started, the Mission of the National office was impressive to me:  “Putting Christian Principles into practice through programs that build a healthy, body, mind and spirit for all”.  Over the years, the YMCA national leadership has slowly turned away from the Christian Principles the organization was founded on.  The mission statement today is nothing more than a hollow, watered-down, feel-good, message to help a community.  Certainly, service is good – but the Judeo/Christian Principles that birthed the YMCA seem to have been forgotten.  The justification is… there is a need to appeal to a larger, more diverse, population.  I take issue, and say that the message of Scripture is available to EVERY person – regardless of their diverse background.  The Word is stable, and continues to be current and up-to-date.  God has NOT changed – we just don’t recognize Him the same, because we have turned away from Him. (more…)