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Some Insight into Financial Emergency Preparedness

Part of emergency preparedness involves having money available during the situation, and having a backup of all your financial data for when the crisis has passed.  Think about how terrible it would be to survive a particularly bad situation, and then find out that all your financial information was lost.  There are different steps that you can take to minimize a financial emergency when things go wrong, and to plan for your future.

Now, while there are certainly potential scenarios and risks of banking collapse and global financial meltdown, this writing will not address that level of preparedness.  This post will make an assumption that current banking and legal tender remains somewhat solvent and available.   We will share more on the potential of massive financial collapse in future posts.

Money is an important part of good emergency preparedness, since banks may not be open and access to funds electronically may not be available.  So this means that cash may be the only form of payment accepted at stores or in other situations.  If that should be the case, then you will need to have a supply of emergency cash that you can access if there is a large-scale problem.  This money should include coins for pay phones and it should be hidden in a safe place in your home.

After the situation has been resolved, then the next step is fixing the problems and confusion that occurred.  Your emergency preparation should have involved making backup copies of all relevant data related to your finances.  On an external drive, you should regularly backup any recent transactions made online, and your credit card information.  The idea here is that even if there is a massive power surge that fries your computer, followed by a power failure, once things have been restored to normal you should be able to hook your external drive to an unaffected computer and recover all your data.

Another important step to being prepared for an emergency is having financial records and important contact numbers and names of people in a safe place. In fact, this information should ideally be stored in more than one place, in the event that the first location is compromised. Safe locations could involve an external hard drive, a safety deposit box, a home safe, or some other hidden location.  Once the situation has been resolved, these records can be accessed and used to make a quick transition back to normal, and they can often suffice as evidence in case the original data has been lost or damaged.

To be successful with your emergency preparedness, you need to anticipate a great deal. It is hard to predict exactly what will happen in a major crisis, but basic steps you take should involve setting aside some cash and making a backup of your financial information. So much can be lost in such a short period of time that it is well worth it to invest a bit of effort in making sure that should the worst occur, you will be more likely to walk away from it unscathed.

Turmoil is Changing Families

Turmoil is Changing Families

family closeIn the difficult and turbulent times we are facing, families are changing.  In many ways the change is ultimately very good.  I believe it is pushing families to be more cohesive and sensitive to each other.   Families are somewhat forced to draw closer together in order to work through the tough times and fears.  Obviously, family congruency is an important part of the preparation process.

I have heard many stories of how my grandparents raised their children to help around the homestead.  It seems to have been common practice (and necessity) that families worked together to maintain the farm – and to survive.  Times were tough, and families drew on the strength of each other to get through the turmoil.

With our modern improvements and advancements in technology (such as television, internet and cell phones), family ties have been impacted.  Also, there is a catastrophic falling-away from the moral principles, teachings, and values that governed our homes.  The divorce epidemic in our society has destroyed the peace and stability of the family unit.  Children who once had the influence of their mother and father, now were getting influenced and guided by care-givers outside the home.

As a result of our moral decline, today many adults are simply ill-prepared for the difficulties that we now face – and will become increasingly intense.  The first devastating impact will occur as our economy continues to deteriorate and force us to make difficult choices for our survival.  The modern family that has been flush with entertainment options and toys, will likely find new economic challenges.  A growing number of families will be forced to alter their entertainment habits (out of necessity) which may actually bring families together for alternative activities.

Another factor is the growing need for families to work together on multiple-family living space.  Every week, I am hearing more-and-more families are being forced to have relatives move-in with them in order to cut expenses.  Adult children are returning home in order to save on expenses.   Certainly, it creates some discomforts – but, it does force families to revisit their relationships and work together for survival.

The fears of the unknown, are creating stress and hardship on everyone.  Parents are struggling to hold things together, and kids are wondering what will happen in the future.  It’s a painful time, but… a great opportunity for families to draw closer and feel the security of their love for each other.  Things are not quite as difficult when you feel like you have someone with you regardless of how tough it gets.  That’s where family comes in. (more…)

Prepare Your Family for Home Emergencies

Right now is the time to prepare your family for emergencies and difficulties.  Times are getting much more difficult, and will continue to see an increasing intensity.

The fact is, no-one knows exactly what specific problems or challenges that could eventually result during a major and over-all emergency event.  The best thing right now if to prepare for situations that could cause disruption to your normal lifestyle.

Certainly we do not want to operate in fear, so preparing will help us get our families ready when stressful times approach – and will enable us to help others who may struggle with the difficulties.  The reality is, we do not know when something may disrupt our lives, or exactly what the turmoil may look like.

 36 “However, no one knows the day or hour when these things will happen, not even the angels in heaven or the Son himself.  Only the Father knows.  Matthew 24:36 (NLT)

To help us prepare, let’s do some planning.  The following are some simple tips and recommendations to help us prepare for an emergency.  These are very simple action tips that you might find from various preparation and disaster support agencies like the Red Cross.  Certainly, most are obvious suggestions, but it never hurts to revisit our preparation plans.

Get an “escape bag” ready
There are other names for the bag, such as:  72-hour kit, bug-out bag, battle box, and GOOD bag (Get Out Of Dodge).  The focus of the bag is to get you items ready for a quick evacuation.  It is not intended to be an all-out long-term survival kit.  Basically, it is a portable kit that is ready to go in an emergency, and contains the items that would be needed to survive for seventy-two hours when evacuating from a disaster.

Water is life, and critical for our survival
Obviously, our bodies require water for survival.   Years ago, I lived in South Florida when a major hurricane hit.  I took for granted that water would flow into our home.  Unfortunately, I was sadly mistaken.  A State that was surrounded by water was thrust into a water crisis.

So, make sure to prepare for what you do not know.  As much as possible, try to keep a water supply of a gallon for every person each day and one that would be enough for seven to ten days.

Water should be kept in appropriate safe chemical-free containers.  Also, make sure that you also have filters and tablets for the purposes of purification ready and available when needed. (more…)

A World War is Upon us

A World War is Upon us

Preparation for world war 3WARNING!

I believe a World War is fast approaching and it is becoming increasingly essential that we are getting prepared.

Before I share some thoughts, let me start by saying that I post this with a very heavy heart. I struggle that many people may find the comments I will share to be disturbing or painful. Certainly, it is not my intent to discourage anyone or bring fear. On the contrary, I know we have a Redeemer – and in Him we have Life Everlasting. The purpose of this writing (and the blog in its entirety) is to hopefully provoke actions in preparation.

As I begin sharing a few things, I encourage the reader to pray.  Draw close to God and ask Him to carefully prepare you and open your heart to what He wishes to change and establish in you.  Ask Him to give you wisdom and discernment.

The things I share here are only my opinions – based on what I believe God has laid on my heart.  I suspect that many of my comments will be viewed as controversial and perhaps even a bit alarmist. I am fine with that, as I am only sharing what I believe I am supposed to share.

Years ago, I received a “Preparation Call”.  I am not a theologian and in Sunday School had never heard of a “Preparation calling” being something that was available or desired.  So, my preparation call was somewhat bizarre.  In fact, the calling came at a time when things were very prosperous in America – and long before anyone even heard of terrorism.  Our economy was robust, and outlook was encouraging.   To get a preparation call during that time was just weird.  But… I just felt that God laid on my heart to begin getting prepared, and be ready to help others get prepared.  So whatever that meant, I have since tried to live in full surrender to it.

Now… wherever you go, it seems that more-and-more people are getting prepared.  People “feel” something is coming, and they are trying to find answers on how to prepare.  Unfortunately, there are people who are now using this new heightened sense of concern to spread fear and worry.  Some are even using fear to profit.   They call themselves “modern day prophets”, when in fact they are only after modern day profits.  God will bring them to task.

So, back to the point of this post.  Again, let me emphasize that I firmly believe a World War is coming, and it is vitally important that we are preparing ourselves and our families.  I believe it will be quite an intense time for everyone.  For those who have ignored the call to prepare, it could get frightening.

There are many, many people out there who believe a battle in the Middle East is brewing.  I not only think it is brewing, I believe it is imminent.  The Bible alerts us of the importance of this are in the final days, and it is becoming more obvious by the moment that we are seeing the stage being prepared for war. (more…)

Whole Wheat as Part of Your Preparation Food Supply

As a whole grain, dark hard winter or spring wheats store very well.  Dried wheat pastas and pre-ground wheat flours can also be purchased, but individuals purchasing these items from a supermarket should be aware their shelf life will not be near as long as that of properly stored and prepared whole wheat grains.

Obviously, whole wheat products are easily acquired both in supermarkets and through preparation specialty websites and whole grain stores.  The biggest difference you will find is that items sold in most supermarkets have typically been processed and are stored in such a way that they have a much shorter shelf life.  Also, purchasing wheat pasta means your storage will only allow for eating wheat pasta.  Buying wheat whole grains means preppers with grain mills can make just about anything they would like out of the whole wheat grains they have stored.  A plethora of breads, pancakes and even wheat gluten meat substitutes can be fashioned from simple buckets of whole grain wheat.

Many highly-intense preppers recommend storing enough supplies (including wheat) to last your family a year.  Less hardcore individuals suggest two weeks is enough.  In the event of a serious disaster where infrastructure is compromised and food is not easily acquired, a supply of food that is enough to last a few months is probably a good goal. Whole wheat grains, when properly stored, can last for well over a year.  An excellent grain storage bucket we recommend can be found at

We all are aware that we live in very difficult times.  There is no longer a question about the need to be prepared.  Like many people, perhaps you have decided that long-term food storage is a necessary, and you are now working to get prepared in the case of a world or national crisis.

A great place to begin your food storage is with storing whole wheat and grains.  Whole Wheat and Grains can be easily stored for long periods of time, and will offer a variety of food options during a time of crisis.  You will need preparation food, so it makes good sense to start with grains.


Am I too late to get Prepared?

My family has been in preparation for many years.  In fact, I started preparing before it was cool to be a prepper!  That means absolutely nothing except, I’ve been watching, listening, and preparing for a long time :).

Years ago, I heard a preparation call and started on a journey that I assumed was all about survival and a self-sustaining lifestyle.  I was looking forward to preparing by learning about gardening, food storage, and emergency preparedness.  I never imagined that preparation would be so intense – but then again, when we began this journey most people didn’t even fathom a need for preparation.

Today, things are much different.  People all over the world are beginning to see the need to prepare, and are asking “Am I too late to get prepared”?  They aren’t quite sure what to prepare for, but they sense that something is happening in the world – and they better get ready for it.

My simple answer to the question  of whether it is too late to get prepared is… absolutely not!.  But that comes with a disclaimer that there is a limit of time, and once that time runs out – there will no longer be the option for preparation. I believe their is an increasing intensity of events, and the preparation window is beginning to shut.  Time is running out.

According to the Gospel of Matthew 25:1-13 the five virgins who are prepared for the bridegroom’s arrival are rewarded and the five who are not prepared are excluded.  Hear the Word…

1. Then the Kingdom of Heaven shall be likened to ten virgins who took their lamps and went out to meet the bridegroom.

2.  And five of them were wise, and five were foolish.

3. Those who were foolish took their lamps and took no oil with them,

4. but the wise took oil in their vessels with their lamps.

5. But while the bridegroom tarried, they all slumbered and slept.

6. And at midnight there was a cry made “Behold the bridegroom is coming; go out to meet him!”

7. Then all the virgins arose and trimmed their lamps.

8. And the foolish said to the wise, Give us some of your oil, for our lamps are going out.”

9. But the wise answered, saying, NO, lest there not be enought for us and you; but go rather to those who sell, and buy for yourselves.

10. And while they went to buy, the bridegroom came, and those who were ready went in with him to the wedding; and the door was shut.

11. Afterward the other virgins came also, saying, “Lord, Lord, open to us!”

12. But he answered and said, Assuredly I say to you, I do not know you.”

Matthew 25:1-13


In the days ahead, I will share some of the steps we took to begin our journey toward preparation.  For now, the most important first-step is to ask God to change your heart – so that you are prepared to greet the Bridegroom when He arrives.