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Most people recognize that we are facing unusual difficulties in our world.  Famine, wars, political divisions, diseases, are just some of the issues that have created uncertainties and hurts all over the planet.  It’s a unsettling time that has prompted many people to begin preparing for potential turmoil ahead.

The story of Joseph in the Bible offers one of the most profound lessons in the importance of preparedness, obedience to God’s guidance, and the discernment of the times. Through his faithfulness and foresight, Joseph not only saved Egypt from devastating famine but also revealed how God calls His people to wisdom and action long before calamity strikes. In our world today, this message resonates as a reminder of the spiritual and practical significance of preparedness.

Called to Prepare in Times of Abundance

In Genesis 41:29-30, Joseph interprets Pharaoh’s dream, warning, “Seven years of great abundance are coming throughout the land of Egypt, but seven years of famine will follow them.” Here, Joseph’s obedience and humility before God led him to act on divine wisdom. Though the years of plenty tempted many to revel in prosperity, Joseph understood that abundance itself was a gift from God, meant to sustain them through the lean years.

Preparedness, as Joseph’s example shows, is not a lack of faith but an act of obedience. God sometimes calls us to take deliberate steps to prepare for the future, not out of fear but from a place of trust in His provision and foresight. Joseph was not just saving grain; he was stewarding God’s blessing, ensuring that it would meet the needs of people beyond the good times.

Discerning the Times Around Us

Jesus also taught the importance of discernment, urging His followers to be aware of the times. In Matthew 16:3, He rebukes those who can interpret the appearance of the sky but fail to discern the “signs of the times.” Joseph was sensitive to God’s timing, recognizing the call to prepare while others saw no reason to worry. He understood that times of peace and prosperity are not always permanent; they can be a season of preparation for what lies ahead.

As believers, we are called to seek God’s guidance in understanding the signs around us. Just as Joseph recognized the impending famine, we too can pray for wisdom to prepare ourselves, our families, and our communities in ways that honor God. Proverbs 22:3 reminds us, “The prudent see danger and take refuge, but the simple keep going and pay the penalty.” In discerning the times, God equips us to act wisely, turning insight into preparation.

Obedience in Faith, Not in Fear

Preparedness is a testament to faith, not a reaction to fear. Joseph’s actions show us that responding to God’s call to prepare is a form of worship, aligning our hearts with His purposes. Hebrews 11:7 speaks to Noah’s obedience in preparing the ark, saying, “By faith Noah, when warned about things not yet seen, in holy fear built an ark to save his family.” Like Joseph and Noah, we are sometimes called to obey God’s prompting before any visible sign of crisis appears.

Our actions today—whether setting aside resources, learning new skills, or nurturing our spiritual lives—can become the very means God uses to bless and sustain us and those around us during difficult times. Joseph’s obedience not only saved Egypt but also offered sustenance to neighboring lands, a ripple effect of God’s provision through one man’s faithfulness.

Preparedness as a Form of Stewardship

In storing grain during times of abundance, Joseph exemplified biblical stewardship. Rather than indulging in the blessings of the moment, he recognized the resources as God’s provision for a future need. Jesus said in Luke 14:28, “Suppose one of you wants to build a tower. Won’t you first sit down and estimate the cost to see if you have enough money to complete it?” Planning and setting aside resources is an act of wisdom, acknowledging that everything we have is from God and meant to be used for His purposes.

When we embrace preparedness with a heart of stewardship, we affirm that we are caretakers of what God has entrusted to us. Preparedness enables us to offer help, meet needs, and reflect God’s faithfulness in times of difficulty. In times of crisis, the church and God’s people are often called upon to be a source of hope and help, demonstrating God’s provision in practical ways.

A Legacy of Hope and Provision

Joseph’s story leaves us with a powerful legacy. Because he discerned the times, obeyed God’s call, and prepared wisely, he not only protected Egypt but restored his own family and lineage. Genesis 50:20 reflects Joseph’s understanding of God’s purpose, “You intended to harm me, but God intended it for good to accomplish what is now being done, the saving of many lives.”

Preparedness, when rooted in obedience and trust, does more than sustain us; it can serve as a beacon of hope to others, showing God’s hand even in the darkest times. Let us pray for the wisdom to discern the times, for hearts that obey God’s promptings, and for faith to prepare wisely, so that we, like Joseph, may be vessels of God’s provision and love.

May we remember that when God calls us to prepare, it is not just for ourselves, but for the saving and blessing of many lives.