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“Yet you do not know what your life will be like tomorrow. You are just a vapor that appears for a little while and then vanishes away.” – James 4:14 (NAS)

Have you ever watched someone blow out birthday candles and suddenly felt your heart sink? Another year gone. Another set of 365 days vanished like smoke. Time slips through our fingers like water, impossible to grasp or hold onto. Yet we often live as if we have an endless supply.

Today, as I was getting ready for work it really impacted me that there are so many minutes, hours, and years behind me.  I’ve always thought carefully about the time we have – and always tried to cherish each moment with the people I love.  Making the effort to really honor each moment still didn’t keep the time from rushing past me.  The thoughts and memories of my children seem like yesterday.  How can years have slipped by so quickly?

I am thankful for an eternity of time – that flows beyond this earthly life.

The Wake-Up Call We All Need

Picture this: You’re scrolling through your phone, maybe killing time while waiting in line for coffee. Suddenly, you see a post from an old friend – someone your age, someone who, like you, thought they had plenty of time. Except they didn’t. Their story ended mid-sentence, leaving behind half-written texts, uncompleted bucket lists, and words left unsaid to those they loved.

“So teach us to number our days, that we may present to You a heart of wisdom.” – Psalm 90:12 (NAS)

This isn’t meant to scare you – it’s meant to wake you up. Each of us has exactly 1,440 minutes every day. No more, no less. The richest billionaire can’t buy an extra minute. The most brilliant scientist can’t invent more time. Time is the great equalizer, but it’s also our most overlooked blessing.

Joseph’s Journey: When Minutes Feel Like an Eternity

Consider Joseph, thrown into a pit by his own brothers. Can you imagine those minutes? The betrayal burning in his chest, the darkness pressing in, each second stretching like an eternity as he waited to learn his fate. Those minutes must have felt like years:

“They took him and threw him into the pit. Now the pit was empty, without any water in it.” – Genesis 37:24 (NAS)

But here’s the thing about Joseph’s story that we often miss: he didn’t know he was in the middle of a story that would save nations. He didn’t know that each painful minute was building toward something greater. All he knew was that time was passing, and he had choices to make about how to use it.

The Minutes That Changed Everything

Think about these pivotal moments in Joseph’s life:

  • The minutes he spent choosing forgiveness over bitterness in prison
  • The seconds it took to interpret Pharaoh’s dream that would save Egypt
  • The moment he chose to reveal himself to his brothers, trading vengeance for reconciliation

“As for you, you meant evil against me, but God meant it for good in order to bring about this present result, to preserve many people alive.” – Genesis 50:20 (NAS)

The Reality Check We All Need

Let’s get painfully honest for a moment. Think about yesterday – can you account for all 1,440 minutes? How many were spent:

  • Scrolling mindlessly through social media?
  • Putting off that important conversation because it felt awkward?
  • Saying “we’ll catch up soon” to people you truly miss?
  • Waiting for the “perfect time” to pursue that God-given dream?

“Making the most of your time, because the days are evil.” – Ephesians 5:16 (NAS)

The Brutal Math of Time

Here’s some math that might keep you up tonight: If you’re lucky enough to live to 80, you have about 29,200 days total. Now subtract your current age. How many days are left? Now consider:

  • How many more times will you get to hug your parents?
  • How many more summers do you have with your kids before they’re grown?
  • How many more chances will you have to tell someone about Jesus?

“For what is your life? It is even a vapor that appears for a little time and then vanishes away.” – James 4:14 (NAS)

The Urgency of Now

Joseph’s story teaches us that preparation can’t wait. When God revealed seven years of plenty followed by seven years of famine, Joseph didn’t procrastinate. He acted immediately:

“Let Pharaoh take action to appoint overseers in charge of the land, and let him exact a fifth of the produce of the land of Egypt in the seven years of abundance.” – Genesis 41:34 (NAS)

This wasn’t just about storing grain – it was about recognizing that time is a gift that demands immediate action. Joseph understood what we often forget: tomorrow’s opportunities require today’s preparation.

The People Factor: What Really Matters

Think about Joseph’s reunion with his father Jacob. After years of separation, thinking his son was dead, Jacob finally held Joseph again:

“Then Joseph fell on his father’s neck and wept on his neck a long time.” – Genesis 46:29 (NAS)

How many of us have people in our lives right now that we need to “fall on their neck and weep” with? How many relationships are we taking for granted, assuming there will always be another day, another chance, another tomorrow?

Making Minutes Count: Practical Steps

  1. Start Today’s Revolution
    • Write down the names of three people you need to prioritize
    • Schedule specific times to connect with them this week
    • Turn off notifications during these dedicated times
  2. Prepare Like Joseph
    • What skills do you need to develop for tomorrow’s challenges?
    • What spiritual disciplines need attention now?
    • What relationships need investment today?
  3. Live with Eternal Perspective
    • How will your use of time today impact eternity?
    • What legacy are you building with your minutes?
    • Where are you storing your treasures?

A Prayer for Time’s Stewardship

Father, the thought of time’s swift passage brings both grief and gratitude to our hearts. We grieve the minutes we’ve wasted, the opportunities we’ve missed, the relationships we’ve neglected. But we’re grateful that You’ve awakened us to time’s precious nature. Like Joseph, help us to see that every minute – even the painful ones – can be used for Your glory and others’ good.

Lord, give us wisdom to number our days. Give us courage to have the hard conversations now. Give us strength to prepare for tomorrow’s challenges today. And most of all, give us hearts that beat in rhythm with Your eternal purposes, making every minute count for Your kingdom.

“Teach us to number our days, that we may gain a heart of wisdom.” – Psalm 90:12 (NAS)

Remember: The next minute you have isn’t guaranteed, but it’s a gift. How will you spend it?