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US Government Warns of Revelation Apocalypse?

US Government Warns of Revelation Apocalypse?

prepare for an apocalypseAs we continue with the assignment of sharing the need for preparation, it seems we are now joined by the US Government in proclaiming the need to prepare for the Last Days Apocalypse.

In fact, in a recent and popular post on the Center for Disease Control site there was a somewhat disturbing article entitled “Preparedness -101:  Zombie Apocalypse“.

Do you think the US Government knows something they are not fully disclosing to a sheepish public?  Well of course they do.

I am quite sure the title of this recent article was carefully chosen to create attention and interest from a generation that seems to be strangely fascinated with the horror element and the spread of death through viral interactions.  I certainly understand the desire for the Center for Disease Control to market their message of preparedness and certainly recognize the need to alert people of the need to prepare for difficult events.

However… as I read the article on the CDC website it does not really impact me as simply an attention-grabbing horror show fantasy.  The fact is, the Bible has already disclosed the events that will unfold and has given us warning that we should be prepared for such events.  Why are we now so surprised that even secular Governments are beginning to recognize the times that we live?

In the Book of Revelation we read:

And I looked, and behold a pale horse: and his name that sat on him was Death, and Hell followed with him. And power was given unto them over the fourth part of the earth, to kill with sword, and with hunger, and with death, and with the beasts of the earth.  Rev. 6:8

I believe it is quite ironic that the US Government CDC website used a viral death plague as an apocalyptic description.  The CDC urges us to get prepared because such a scenario is not out of the question.  The fact is, the Bible has already given us this warning.

Governments regularly shout the message to their people to get prepared for earthquakes, famines, flood, disease, unusual weather events, and terrorism.  We regularly hear of wars and rumors of wars, and even receive warning of impending disasters in the heavens (increasing solar flares, meteors, comets, etc). (more…)

Prepare by Resting

Prepare by Resting

Prepare by RestingAs God pours out in these Last Days, it becomes incredibly important that we draw closer to Him.  We need to listen carefully to what He is saying to us during this hour, and certainly immediately act upon His words.  He is now shouting from the Heavens.

I firmly believe we are entering a time of increasing intensity.  Events all over the world will seem magnified to a much higher degree and masses of people will be fearful and confused.  They will seek answers and many will be led astray by the “experts” who will attempt to explain the events as a physical phenomenon.

Even personal emotions will become increasingly intense.  As the foundations of the earth are shaken, so too will the foundations of our person be shaken.  We are being prepared.  I believe that which is at our core – fears, anger, frustrations-  will begin to see increasing intensity.  We will even see intensity in our relationships.

There is going to be turbulence in the world, and there is going to be increasing turbulence within the hearts of people.  The preparation process is more than gaining a simple understanding,  or perhaps following a task list.  For me, the Preparation Call is less about stocking supplies, and more about surrendering to the reality that God is our refuge and strength.

As we are faced with the difficulties, it is vital that we turn to the One who loves us in a way that goes beyond definition.  His love is deeper than our knowledge of personal comforts or intense pleasures.  His love goes beyond the temporal issues we see in time and extends into eternity.

When turmoil comes, it is important to find a restful place that is quiet and peaceful, but more than that, a place where you can experience the presence of God.  He wants a relationship with us, and wants us to rest in Him.

This is my resting place forever.” (Psalms 132:14)

According to Psalm 132:14, God has established resting places, literal places that are His resting places.  God is calling each of us to find a quiet place, a resting place where we can get alone to spend time with Him.   As you prepare, make sure to find a time to Rest in Him.

In the story of Noah, when the world was destroyed by the flood, the first thing Noah did was send a dove out to find a place to rest.

“Then he (Noah) sent forth a dove to see if the waters had decreased from the surface of the ground. But the dove found no resting place on which to roost, and she returned to him to the ark, for the waters were yet on the face of the whole land. So he put forth his hand and drew her to him into the ark” (Genesis 8:8-9).

Noah represents God, and the Ark represents the safety of the presence of God. Only when you enter into His presence will you find that place of peace and rest.

Trust Him to lead you to His resting place.

Stop Looking Back! Now is the time to look forward

I am convinced that there is going to be an increasing intensity of difficulties that we must face.  As times get more difficult and events become more intense, it is increasingly important that we prepare ourselves mentally, emotionally, spiritually, and physically.

In the last several years of my life, it seems that I have been (and continue to be) led through a “purging process”.  This process has been painful, especially as I tried to hold onto many things that I had accumulated along the journey. Now I realize, the purging is helping to lighten the load I am carrying so that I can better maneuver during the times ahead.

One of the areas that has been impressed upon me to purge, is the emotional baggage that has often been a weighty distraction.  Hurts from broken or failed relationships, insecurities, and guilt from personal failures have all been obstacles to my movement forward.  I have spent far too much time struggling under heavy emotional burdens that are completely unnecessary and are hindering me from being tightly focused on preparation for the path ahead.

Preparation is not as easy as I once imagined. Certainly, it can be easy to put a few things in storage and to learn some new skills, but the more difficult part of the journey is the process of transitioning. Habits that have been accumulated and comforts that have become a part of life – are now being altered. It is a necessity, because the journey ahead will not allow for the status quo.

Some of the greatest challenges that I am facing in my preparation call, occurs because my family circumstances are changing and we are forced to deal with discomforts. It has been difficult, but also quite enlightening as I realize the training is a valuable part of the preparation process. I welcome the training now, so that we can be firm when things around us may be wavering.

Tragically, too often family relationships are altered or broken simply because individuals could not handle transitions that emerged suddenly. For example, a lost income may force multiple changes in a lifestyle which may result in friction, anger, and blame – that ultimately impacts a relationship. If the relationship has been built on certain comforts or perhaps expectations, a sudden change in circumstances may unfortunately bring disharmony. Conversely, relationships that are God-anchored and nurtured on unconditional love can withstand difficult changes.

It is vital in the preparation process that individuals strengthen the foundation of their relationships and begin the process of growth through transitions. If we fail to purge ourselves of some emotional baggage now, when stressful times appear – we will not be adequately prepared to weather the storm.  We need to quit looking back, quit feeling entitled to certain comforts, quit expecting others to supply our needs, and begin preparing for the beautiful journey ahead.  Ask God to begin preparing you for the times ahead and rest assured… He will prepare you.

But be warned…from my experience, preparation will not look like what you expect.


Preppers beware!

Preppers beware!

preparation journeyRight now, people all over the world are beginning to sense the need for preparation.  I’ve talked to many who do not know exactly “why” they are needing to prepare, but they just believe something is coming – and they need to get ready.

When I first heard a call to prepare, it was hardly commonplace to hear anyone speak of preparing.  In fact, if you talked too extensively about preparation you were considered an “alarmist”.  You may have even been shunned and outcast as some type of radical conspirator.

Today, preparation is a fast-growing discussion.  So much so that a lot of people now consider it a fast-growing “movement”.  Preparing has also become a vibrant marketing niche!

While I am certainly delighted to see more and more of the population sensing a “Preparation Call” and taking action, I do have some personal concerns with what I’m seeing in this new fast-growing “movement”.  Now, I will admit that I do see the Preparation process as much more of a Godly calling than most people do.  I personally can not separate the spiritual realities from the day-to-day preparation actions.  In fact, in my journey the day-to-day and month-to-month actions are a direct result of what I believe God is assigning for us to do.

So with that, please understand that my views are completely intertwined with what I believe is the ultimate Spiritual reality.  While we are in preparations for whatever difficulties that may be ahead, the more important aspect of preparation is the soon return of the Messiah.

My concerns now involves the trend that I see emerging.  The “Preppers Movement” is now becoming quite a growing marketing niche.  Businesses and entrepreneurs will attempt to dictate the direction of the niche, by clever sales and marketing tactics that are designed to induce spending and profits.  While I am not at all opposed to Free Enterprise, I do take issue with the cheap imitation of purpose that often emerges as a result of financial greed.

So, my warning is:  Preppers Beware!   Preparation is not supposed to be a carefully designed marketing trend to increase profits.  Be careful as you engage in the process of preparation.  Understand the purpose behind your actions, and do not be driven by a crafty sales-pitch designed to entice your action to purchase.   There are no short-cuts in preparing, and you simply can’t make a quick purchase and be done.   Preparation is a process.  A journey that takes us through the winding path of personal change.  It may be a difficult path, so buckle-up, pray without ceasing, and be prepared for where God will lead you.

The Voice of God shakes the Earth

The Shaking

Whose voice then shook the earth (continuation)

Shared by Jeff Rowland.

We shared last time a beautiful scripture from Psalms –   Psalms 29.

This Psalm of David is a beautiful description of the majesty and power of God in a storm of thunder.  David’s perspective of viewing this storm was to acknowledge and ascribe the power of this storm to the voice of God.  The Psalmist has already given acknowledgement to the God of thunder earlier in his writing.  (Psa 18:13)

The LORD also thundered in the heavens, and the Highest gave his voice; hail stones and coals of fire.  From the voice of God comes the power of the storm.  When the thunder comes there is always the sound of accompanying rain.

(Jer 10:13)  When he uttereth his voice, there is a multitude of waters in the heavens, and he causeth the vapours to ascend from the ends of the earth; he maketh lightnings with rain, and bringeth forth the wind out of his treasures.

Should we not listen to the voice of God in the middle of the storm?  Should we not give honor and glory which is due to His name when we experience the storm?

(Job 37:4)  After it a voice roareth: he thundereth with the voice of his excellency; and he will not stay them when his voice is heard.

God will not deceive by His voice, for when He hath spoken then will men hear what He is saying clearly.  The Psalmist David is saying in this Psalm that the powerful and majestic God thunders with his voice and breaks the great cedars of Lebanon.  Trees that can grow to be bigger than any other can be broken like twigs at the voice of our great God.

Paul the apostle said to the Church of Corinth,

(1Co 2:4)  And my speech and my preaching was not with enticing words of man’s wisdom, but in demonstration of the Spirit and of power.

When Gods people begin to thunder with our voice under the anointing of the Spirit of God then we can begin to uproot those things in our lives that holds us back from the awesome glory and majesty of our great God.  James and John was called the sons of thunder indicating their voice of the gospel was heard clearly under the anointing of Christ Jesus.   Oh how our voice needs to be raised in these days to clearly speak forth what God is uttering from heaven.  (more…)