by Joseph | Jan 16, 2009 | Preparation, Sharing
Very Interesting Quote in light of the present financial crisis…
“If the American people ever allow private banks to control the issuance of their currency, first by inflation and then by deflation, the banks and corporations that will grow up around them will deprive the people of all their property until their children will wake up homeless on the continent their fathers conquered.”
by Joseph | Jan 13, 2009 | Preparation, Sharing
Offered by Jeff Rowland
Understanding that Elijah’s life was marked by miracles, there are certain principles drawn that we can apply to our lives today.
- In order to appreciate the flood of the Spirit we must go through many dry times. We can all agree that there have been some dry times for the church. However, we need to understand that God can sustain us even when we are alone. Though a corporate move of God may not be happening where you are, we can enjoy the flood of the Holy Spirit in our own life. How often has all of us heard the call of the Spirit to come away from among the crowds and simply be alone with Him, that we may be refreshed in the things of God. During the drought Elijah was kept by the brook Cherith where water was in abundance. Indeed God can prepare a table before us in the presence of our enemies.
- To be sustained it takes more than human ability – it takes supernatural intervention. Nothing in the experience of Elijah could be understood as coming from his own power. Supernatural intervention comes when all natural sources are exhausted. It is not a question of IF we will face things we have no answers for, it is WHEN we face things we have no answer for that we are perfectly set up for an intervention on a supernatural and divine level. Elijah did not know how God would provide, he had to walk by faith facing situation that only God could deal with.
- God will operate and provide through people you never thought he would use. Could Elijah have known that a little widow would be used of God to provide for him the food he would need? The reason we miss so much in our spiritual journey, is because we have so devalued one another that we cannot receive but from certain ones that fits the image of what we think God will use. (more…)
by Joseph | Jan 10, 2009 | Preparation, Sharing
I’ve heard it said many times by many people that only the strong shall survive. From experience over the last 19 years of Pastoring, I have never seen this statement lived out in reality. There is always some set of circumstances and situations that ultimately destroy the strength of the human spirit. Fear seems to be the ultimate culprit of our demise.
In the beginning when Adam and Eve were in the garden yielded to sin, the first response after their disobedience was fear. They hid themselves. In other words their strength was gone. Our struggle with fear is well documented throughout scripture. It must be pointed out that thtis is the goal of enemy that we hide from God. Therefore, we can say that fear is one of the fundamental tools that Satan uses against us.
by Joseph | Jan 9, 2009 | Preparation, Sharing
My lovely wife, Donna shared the following:
When reading the Scriptures, it never ceases to amaze me of how God speaks on more than one ‘level’ within each context. It is my observation and opinion that He usually speaks in His Word on three main levels at once. Today, He lead me to a portion that really works as that example.
Here are the ways I see that God speaks all at the same time:
1. Spiritual. He of course speaks to us in our Spiritual walk with Him. The Word is full of reminders of our walk and how He is our Restorer and His Promises are True. He guides us by what we should and should not do for our Spiritual well being.
2. Literal/Physical – Yes, the Bible is historical, but more than that I believe God tells us physically what has happened, what WILL happen and personally where we are/will be in this life. He speaks of our physical place (where we live or move) and our position or role in this life.
3. Israel – As God’s Chosen Race, He always is wooing His beloved people. Each verse has something to say to the Hebrew Nation. In times of prosperity, war or His return. All verses are pointed for the Chosen People of God.
by Joseph | Nov 9, 2008 | Preparation, Sharing
There is no greater entertainment on the planet, than sitting in an airport. I travel quite a bit, so I actually get entertained quite frequently. I love watching people rushing about trying to get to their destinations. It never fails that there is always drama with people missing flights or haveing their flight delayed.
I watch the different ways people handle the stress, and how they interact with people around them – or with the flight crew. I can’t help but form an opinion on what must be happening in their lives by how they handle the difficulty. I’ve actually seen several instances where police have been called to intervene with the unruly and frustrated individual.
As I look at faces I encounter at the airport, I’m reminded of the tremendous hurt that seems to be spreading across the world. The difficulties of a global economy that seems to be in ruin, terrorism, wars and rumors of wars, and of course, natural disasters all over the world. Many of the faces I see are people without hope and are afraid of an uncertain future.
The Bible teaches that the difficulties we see today will increase as the time of our Kings return grows closer. As John the Baptist prepared the way for Jesus, many are now called to be in preparation for His soon return. Everywhere I go I seem to have divine appointements with people who have felt a “Preparation Call”. Many aren’t quite sure what they are to do, but they want to connect with others who are in preparation.