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Getting prepared for ?

Many people have been anticipating a disastrous time that would bring difficulties to our very existence.  They believe that their very survival will depend on the ability to overcome and adapt to certain tragic events.

In my own life journey, there have been many people I have encountered who have predicted our “impending doom”.  It seems to me that there will always be people out there who spread fear, gloom, and despair about a coming event that will alter the course of our lives.   Everyone remembers Y2k and the giant “gotcha” feeling that came when nothing happened.  I’ve come to realize, many of the people who were screaming about the coming disaster of Y2K, are now spreading fear about some looming event in the future.

The problem for me is… we are creating some of the disaster with the message of fear and destruction, rather than giving people hope.

On Y2K, my alarm clock went off, my computer turned on, and the power grid did not fail.  I was ready (and almost anticipating) a difficult period of time.  It was almost a disappointment that I had spent time worrying about what might happen.

You see, the fact that so many people are anticipating some major catastrophe, is what really concerns me.  I meet so many people who have given up “hope” because they just don’t see the point anymore.  They live their lives wondering – “why hope, when there is a disaster coming?”.  That’s a terrible existence, and certainly not the way I want to live my life.

I imagine the early settlers of America really didn’t sit around and worry about a cataclysmic event that would suddenly end their lives.  If they did, why would they have ventured from their homeland in the first place?  Why not sit at home and wait on destruction from there?

Well, I guess they had hope of a better life and were willing to endure hardships in pursuit of that life.  I’m thankful that they did – as it paved the way for where we are today in the US.

The point for me is, there may be difficulties coming.  In fact, my belief is there are definitely difficult times ahead.   My “call” is NOT to sit around and wait on the collapse of our existence, rather, to prepare so that when that day arrives – I can share hope with those who are in fear and distress.

For a long time, I have felt that the Lord was bringing me to a place of preparation.  I was never quite sure what that meant, but certainly did not go around telling everyone that the “sky was falling”.  On the contrary, I have tried to raise my children to have HOPE in the things that were ahead – and to live each day with passion and joy.  My eternity is secure, and my Joy is in Christ (Yeshua).

So what is all this talk of preparation?

For me, it is getting myself and my family prepared for the great opportunity that awaits us – and especially the joy of a great harvest that will come.

Make no mistake, there are major challenges ahead.  Those who have been slumbering, and wasteful, will  awaken to find an empty cubbard.  They will certainly be afraid when they realize they are hungry, and have foolishly wasted their time acquiring pleasures – rather than preparing.

God is our refuge and strength.  He is calling us to prepare – not live in Fear, but walk in Faith.  The first step of Faith, is to accept Jesus Christ (Yeshua) as the messiah.

What I am doing to prepare

To keep me on track with my own preparations, I keep an updated list of my own activities and needs.  It certainly helps me stay focused.

These are in no particular priority order, and this is not a complete list:

  • Have started a vintage and heirloom seed (and seed potatoes) bank.  Vegetables and flowers.
  • Stocking URI products (dehydrated whole-food powder) for nutritional needs (has a 2 year shelf life)
  • Currently ordering food items (ie. grains, canned goods, beans, etc) for long-term storage.
  • Ordering food storage containers (food grade) for grains and dried food.
  • Looking to install alternative energy source – (ie. solar power)
  • I will continue working hard on my job, and trim expenses as much as possible to strengthen my financial position.
  • IMPORTANT… Establishing an online income training system to help others transition to having the ability to earn income, without traveling.  Helps tap into other economies all over the world.
  • Stocking and upgrading hunting supplies (ammo, backpack, etc.)
  • Stocking wood for heating/cooking.  I am not concerned we will lose electricity, but am sensitive that we will need to conserve economic resources during a difficult economy.
  • Establishing a supply of batteries (including rechargeable) and flashlights
  • Searching for dehydrator and water purifier
  • Installing wood heater in office and looking at installing a hand pump for well
  • Preparing climate controlled storage for food/seeds
  • looking at livestock options
  • Working on developing barter system
  • Having cash on hand
  • Looking to establish home meeting group to locally connect with people who are preparing.
  • Maintain my blogsite to share my views on what is going on and where I believe things are headed.  The site will be primarily information and content based – and will help with connecting and networking with others.  By networking with like-minded people, I believe it will help in finding additional resources for supplies/information.  It will also be an opportunity to encourage others and share Christ.

Ordering supplies, and Supply resources

Many people have asked me where we are getting some of our supply items.  I’ll offer links to places we have dealt with in our preparation, and have found them to be very helpful.

For our heirloom seeds, we have found an excellent resource:  Landreth Seeds

For Grains and grain milling supplies we, of course, order from our own storehouse:  Millers Grain House.

For de-hydrated whole foods, there is no better resource that offers top quality, and organically grown:  URI International

A God Encounter

Shared By: Jeff Rowland

John’s writing in the book of the Revelation is an amazing look at the revelation of Jesus Christ and gives us a great look at a God encounter.  I believe that we desperately need a God encounter each and every day in order to stay focused in our life on the things of the Spirit.

The definition of an encounter is described as; a meeting, particularly a sudden or accidental meeting of two or more persons or bodies.  I have watched through the years people who suddenly have a God encounter.  I have also seen those who accidentally walked into the presence of the Holy Spirit and were transformed and changed in an amazing way.  I believe the church of today needs a fresh encounter with the person of Jesus Christ through the power of the Holy Spirit.
There are four dimensions I want us to consider in this article concerning John’s encounter with Christ recorded in Revelation 1.
John says, “I was in the Spirit on the Lords day.”  What does it mean to be in the Spirit on the Lords day?  I have seen many in the 21 years that I was a pastor come into the church in the spirit.  However, some wasn’t in the Holy Spirit, but some other spirit.  To be in the Spirit means that you are under the control of the Spirit.  This can only happen when you lay down your agenda and perspective of what things are suppose to look like when people are under the control of the Holy Spirit.  God does what He does simply because He can and chooses to do so.


Sharing a special message…

I have several subscriptions that I read daily from all over the world.  I specifically enjoy ready the reports from people who I believe have keen Scriptural understanding and insight – especially as it relates to current events.   It is important that we look carefully at what Scripture is telling us about the times we are living.

Yesterday, I received a special report that I believe is important for people to hear.  It is encouraging to me, and I want to share it with you.  I also encourage you to subscribe to his report at:  thegoldenreport . com

Here’s the special message:

The time frame as it has been revealed to me.

All the so-called Prophets are saying “Gloom & Doom” it’s all over there is no future.  To some that may be so, but for this Believer in Yeshua it is just an opportunity to serve others while serving God.  What I feel is happening is God is giving us one more chance to come to Him with an open heart and soul confessing our sins and casting them with our greed into the pits of hell.

God is bringing judgment on the US , Israel and the rest of the world.  As for the US God is first taking away their god of greed for money, in hopes that they might come to Him in true repentance before His final judgment on that nation takes place.  God’s Word makes it very clear to me that He will use nuclear power of Russia to bring the final Judgment and those plans are already in effect.  As Russian are moving war-ships along the Syrian coast just north of Israel ready for an all out strike.  But before that strike takes plane the US must be taken out of the equation. (more…)


About twenty five years ago, the Lord layed on my heart the need to prepare.  At the time, I wasn’t exactly sure what I was preparing for, but I knew something was coming.

This blog will be about the journey, and things that we need to do to prepare.